What is disaster resilience education?
Disaster resilience education (DRE) is learning about natural hazards in the local environment and ways to keep communities safe from harm before, during and after an emergency or disaster.
Disaster resilient young people:
- recognise natural hazards in their local environment
- understand the harmful impacts that natural hazards have on people and places
- demonstrate strategies for staying safe, seeking help and helping others in an emergency
- design solutions to local challenges related to hazards and emergencies
- share their learning, opinions and ideas with local decision-makers
- participate in actions for recovery following a disaster or other traumatic event.
DRE supports schools and educators to:
- develop resilient, confident, successful and responsible learners
- implement the Australian Curriculum
- establish STEM partnerships with experts in natural hazards and emergency management
- engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
- explore global issues of sustainability and climate change from a local perspective
- uphold the National Child Safe Standards
DRE is guided by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030 and the Comprehensive School Safety Framework.